a image of the beef icon

Beef Brand

Using a file template Generator to generate static file includes for the Beef language. (Taking a file and putting it in the .exe)
-> Link

a file icon that contains water and is overflowing


A simple utility to 'spill' files from a directory into a directory below.
-> Link

a image of the beef icon

G.O.N -> Generic object notation

Originally an exercise for myself to create a useful notation, thats easier then JSON to parse and to write. The notation itself is language indipendent, however the parser is currently only implemented in Beeflang
-> Link

a image of a slime

Slime slammer

A simple arcade game made in 48 hours for a gamejam
-> Link -> Github

a pixelart floppy disk

Floppy Control

A simple puzzle game made in 48 hours for a gamejam
-> Link